Life habits and reproduction: how stress, diet and toxins affect fertility

The basic objective of the reproduction process is the survival of the species. This is understood from a purely conceptual point of view and from a perspective based on the laws of nature. So all animals, under suitable environmental conditions, tend to reproduce and thus achieve the goal. However, certain lifestyle habits affect reproduction. We… Continue reading Life habits and reproduction: how stress, diet and toxins affect fertility

How have we adapted in FIVclínic to the Covid-19 pandemic?

The entire team of professionals at FIVclínic have been working so that you can start the reproduction treatment with the peace of mind knowing that all the appropriate safety measures are being taken for both you and all professionals. That is why we have developed various protocols based on the scientific evidence available today, with… Continue reading How have we adapted in FIVclínic to the Covid-19 pandemic?

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