Genetic carrier screening: what is it and what is it for?

At the fertility consultation we have different genetic testing to provide couples with complete genetic counseling. Depending on the family history, or the diseases that patients may have, different genetic tests can be done. One of them is the genetic study of carriers. This test identifies which autosomal recessive pathologies an individual carries. What is… Continue reading Genetic carrier screening: what is it and what is it for?

Is there a relation between nutrition and fertility?

We are very aware that food is a health promoter or cause of some diseases. But, do we know if it can influence when trying to have a child? Is there a relation between nutrition and fertility? We reviewed the key points with the nutritionist Bárbara Romano and the specialist in assisted reproduction Anna Goday.… Continue reading Is there a relation between nutrition and fertility?

Endometriosis: diagnosis through transvaginal ultrasound

As a reference center in pelvic pain and endometriosis, the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has specialized in the diagnosis of endometriosis. The disease, which causes pain during menstruation and can cause infertility, affects the ovaries. But sometimes other pelvic structures as well. At FIVclínic we have the specialist Cristina Ros, an expert in imaging using… Continue reading Endometriosis: diagnosis through transvaginal ultrasound

Meditation focused on assisted reproduction (I): breathing

Relaxing is key to better manage our mood and, if you are immersed in an assisted reproduction process, this is very important, because it helps to optimally approach the treatment. Getting it, sometimes, is not easy. That is why we want to share some meditation sessions with you so that you can enjoy. We also… Continue reading Meditation focused on assisted reproduction (I): breathing

Life habits and reproduction: how stress, diet and toxins affect fertility

The basic objective of the reproduction process is the survival of the species. This is understood from a purely conceptual point of view and from a perspective based on the laws of nature. So all animals, under suitable environmental conditions, tend to reproduce and thus achieve the goal. However, certain lifestyle habits affect reproduction. We… Continue reading Life habits and reproduction: how stress, diet and toxins affect fertility

How have we adapted in FIVclínic to the Covid-19 pandemic?

The entire team of professionals at FIVclínic have been working so that you can start the reproduction treatment with the peace of mind knowing that all the appropriate safety measures are being taken for both you and all professionals. That is why we have developed various protocols based on the scientific evidence available today, with… Continue reading How have we adapted in FIVclínic to the Covid-19 pandemic?

How does lifestyle affect fertility?

At FIVclínic we firmly believe in the impact of different lifestyles on the results of assisted reproductive techniques as well as on natural fertility. We know that the most determining factor in reproduction is the woman’s age, but also that other factors such as tobacco, obesity, diet, alcohol, stress or physical exercise have an impact… Continue reading How does lifestyle affect fertility?

Embryo selection tools: the customization of IVF cycles

Detecting the embryo with maximum implantation possibilities has always been the basis of many research projects in order to significantly increase pregnancy rates. Technological improvements and new scientific advances have allowed us to have a series of tools that, applied correctly and in a personalized way to our patients, can significantly increase the pregnancy rate… Continue reading Embryo selection tools: the customization of IVF cycles

Psycho-emotional recommendations for assisted reproduction patients during Covid-19

From FIVClínic we send you specific recommendations for all of you who, at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, are following an assisted reproduction treatment. The objective of these recommendations, backed by the Psychology interest group of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), is to advise you in order to face the exceptional pandemic situation that… Continue reading Psycho-emotional recommendations for assisted reproduction patients during Covid-19

Covid-19: coronavirus and pregnancy

[Updated on 17/09/2021] The risk of contagion by coronavirus is worrying for pregnant women: Am I at higher risk of complications of the disease? Can the virus complicate pregnancy? Can COVID-19 be transmitted from a pregnant woman to the fetus? Will I be able to breastfeed? We resolve your doubts and remind you of the… Continue reading Covid-19: coronavirus and pregnancy

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