Covid-19: coronavirus and reproduction

Every day we are learning more about SARS-CoV-2, a new strain of coronavirus never previously detected in humans that is the cause of Covid-19 disease. On March 11, the WHO announced that we are facing a pandemic and on the 13th the state of alarm was declared in Spain. All these events have led to… Continue reading Covid-19: coronavirus and reproduction

Emotions and infertility: psychoeducational workshops to better deal with the processes of reproduction

From the field of reproductive psychology, we seek to offer comprehensive advice, taking into account the biological, psychological and social spheres of our patients. That is why we have launched a series of free psychoeducational workshops in which we deal with topics relevant to the people who pass through our FIVclínic Assisted Reproduction Unit. What… Continue reading Emotions and infertility: psychoeducational workshops to better deal with the processes of reproduction

The role of the psychologist in assisted reproduction

Interview with Marta García MolinerGeneral health psychologist specialising in assisted reproduction. Consultant psychologist at FIVclínic When did you start to become interested in reproductive medicine? After years of experience as a care and research nurse in the fields of obstetrics and neonatology at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, I moved into the world of gynaecology. When… Continue reading The role of the psychologist in assisted reproduction

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