Covid-19: coronavirus and pregnancy

[Updated on 17/09/2021]

The risk of contagion by coronavirus is worrying for pregnant women: Am I at higher risk of complications of the disease? Can the virus complicate pregnancy? Can COVID-19 be transmitted from a pregnant woman to the fetus? Will I be able to breastfeed? We resolve your doubts and remind you of the importance of taking precautions.

Am I at higher risk for complications of the disease?

We have more and more information about coronavirus infection during pregnancy and it seems that pregnant women have a higher risk of presenting a severe infection compared to the non-pregnant population. Especially in the 3rd trimester and when risk factors such as advanced maternal age, elevated BMI, chronic arterial hypertension or pregestational diabetes are associated. Special attention to pregnant women with cardiopulmonary diseases, advanced kidney failure, and immunosuppression.

Can pregnancy be complicated by Covid-19?

Current data show that Covid-19 infection is asymptomatic in up to 75% of pregnant women and that in case of presenting symptoms, 85% of patients present mild ones. The most frequent: fever and cough. With the data to date, there has been no evidence of an increase in abortions or early pregnancy losses. No congenital defects been described. The main perinatal complication associated with Covid-19 is prematurity, with a rate of around 17%, especially at the expense of medical decisions to induce labor to preserve maternal health.

Can coronavirus be transmitted to the fetus? And to the newborn?

The most important current transmission is person-to-person by respiratory droplets after close contact (<2 meters) or contact with surfaces contaminated by infected secretions.

Vertical (intrauterine) transmission is low (1-3’5%) and most of the time it is limited to cases of severe maternal infection. Most of the reported cases of infection in newborns come from horizontal transmission after delivery by respiratory droplets. Therefore, a series of measures must be adopted (such as the mask) to be able to perform skin-to-skin.

Will I be able to breastfeed if I have Covid-19?

Yes, but you will need to take steps: wear a mask, wash your hands before picking up the baby and clean the nipple with soap and water before taking. You can expand the information in this article on coronavirus and breastfeeding compatibility.

What can I do to prevent coronavirus infection?

Different national and international scientific societies recommend vaccination in any trimester of pregnancy or during breastfeeding, as well as if you are in a gestational search period. It is also necessary to continue to extreme the measures already known as: frequent hand washing, the use of a mask when indicated and social distancing. Coronavirus and pregnancy are not a good tandem.

For more information, consult this link with information for pregnant women on Covid-19 of the Hospital Clínic Maternitat (on page 34 you will find “Tips for the pregnant woman”).

If I have coronavirus symptoms, where should I go?

If you have mild symptoms (fever <38º, cough, muscle aches, diarrhea) contact your CAP by phone, specifying that you are pregnant and the symptoms you are experiencing. If the fever get worse or you have difficulty in breathing, call 061 or 112 or go to the nearest hospital center.

Roser Solernou. Gynecologist specialized in IVF assisted reproduction.


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