Covid-19: coronavirus and reproduction

Every day we are learning more about SARS-CoV-2, a new strain of coronavirus never previously detected in humans that is the cause of Covid-19 disease. On March 11, the WHO announced that we are facing a pandemic and on the 13th the state of alarm was declared in Spain. All these events have led to a series of measures being taken to adapt to the new health recommendations. Surely many of you have been affected by these changes and have doubts about it that we will try to resolve.

I cannot start the reproduction treatment I had scheduled, why?

Following the recommendations of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) and in agreement with the different international scientific fertility societies, such as the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), all treatments have been postponed.

Control of all reproductive treatment requires several visits and increases the risk of transmission between people. For your safety, that of the professionals and of the whole society in general, it is everyone’s responsibility to minimize contagion.

Another reason for not starting treatment is that at this time it is recommended to avoid pregnancy, not because of the effect of the disease on the fetus, but because during pregnancy there are certain drugs to treat Covid-19 that pregnant women cannot take.

Delaying treatment decreases the chances of success?

There is no evidence that delaying treatment for 2 months affects the chances of pregnancy, even in patients with advanced age (40 years) or low ovarian reserve, according to the ASRM.

We have not been able to carry out the embryo transfer, how can it affect our chances of pregnancy?

Hundreds of published scientific articles support the ability of vitrified embryos in terms of survival and match their implantation potential with respect to freshly transferred embryos, according to the Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology (ASEBIR).

On the other hand, your embryos are cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen in the best conditions and following the appropriate safety protocols.

What can I do now?

Try to see this moment as an opportunity and not a hindrance. You can take advantage of this period to focus on improving your health, improving eating habits, exercising and leaving out harmful habits, such as tobacco and alcohol. Prepare the body with folic acid supplements, increase vitamin D levels through diet and sun exposure, consume blue fish and nuts to have good levels of Omega 3…

Any time is a good time to change your habits and increase the chances of treatment success.

I am pregnant, what can I do?

At FIVclínic we are still at your side as always and that is why we have created an article dedicated to the doubts that may arise with the Covid-19 and the pregnancy with the most recent and contrasted information that is available to date.

I have had the Covid-19. Can it affect my fertility? Should I wait to start treatment?

Research is ongoing on this topic. There are currently no studies indicating that the virus may have an effect on future fertility. In order to start a treatment, for example, the recommendations are to avoid pregnancy until complete remission of symptoms.

All this uncertainty distresses me, what can I do?

Assisted reproductive treatments are usually, to a greater or lesser degree, stressful. The uncertainty situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic can increase this stress. To reduce it, we recommend reading this article that we have prepared on Covid-19 and fertility in the field of psychology.

When can we start the treatment?

As soon as the health authorities and scientific committees authorize us to resume normal activity, we will contact you to start the process again. However, if you have questions, contact us! We continue to work electronically, to guarantee the best care for our patients.

Roser Solernou. Gynecologist specialized in IVF assisted reproduction.

More information:

The Clinic expands the capacity to attend deliveries in the context of Covid-19



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