Dolors Manau, head of FIVclínic, member of the new board of the Spanish Fertility Society

Dolors Manau, head of assisted reproduction at FIVclínic, chosen as a member of the new board of the Spanish Fertility Society, as a result of her participation in the “Una SEF para ti” candidacy.

The Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) is a scientific group whose main objective is to ensure that health and patient care is done in the most optimal and correct way.

A new board of the SEF

The new board of the SEF is made up of a multidisciplinary team, fresh, dynamic and full of enthusiasm. One of its objectives is to improve patient care by professionals. For this, it wants to develop training cycles on communication, empathy, treatment of emotions… All of this aimed at a better understanding of the situation of each patient. In Spain, 180,000 assisted reproduction processes are carried out annually, 70% of which are carried out in private healthcare. We are the first country in the EU for number of treatments: we must be prepared.

“We want to strengthen teaching and training programs for associates; promote national and international research and contribute to the visualization of professionals; unify efforts with sister scientific societies (biologists, geneticists, andrologists, psychologists, nurses, nutritionists…) and open our sights to other societies: European, Latin American and Portuguese”

The new SEF board.

The functions of the SEF

Among the functions of the SEF we also find promoting studies related to fertility and collecting results from fertility clinics and publishing them on the web so that anyone who wishes can consult statistics, success rates, new studies, etc. In addition, SEF also informs the Administration and the entities about issues related to reproductive health.



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