Emotions and infertility: psychoeducational workshops to better deal with the processes of reproduction

From the field of reproductive psychology, we seek to offer comprehensive advice, taking into account the biological, psychological and social spheres of our patients. That is why we have launched a series of free psychoeducational workshops in which we deal with topics relevant to the people who pass through our FIVclínic Assisted Reproduction Unit.

What is psychoeducation and how does it help us?

Coping with situations that arise during an assisted reproduction process is not always easy. Failed processes, unexpected abortions, and other news can discourage us. It is at this point that psychology helps us. And it does so by teaching us to develop and strengthen our capacities to deal with situations that arise in a more adaptive way. The specialist guides and helps us identify with a greater understanding and clarity on a specific question to properly focus, jointly, its resolution or treatment and, therefore, to favor our mood.

Why the group approach?

To understand infertility and its treatments as part of a social problem that we can all find ourselves and which we must respond to socially. Sharing this reality from the group, and not just from an individual interaction, is much more enriching for people. The power of the experience of someone who has passed or is in your same situation is unique.

The workshops integrate therapeutic techniques and self-help resources. This enables exchanges of experiences between participants, creating a space for mutual support.

A little history…

In the specific health field, structured group intervention begins at the beginning of the last century, showing its widespread tradition (1). Since the early 1990’s, evidence of the negative psychological impact on patients undergoing assisted reproductive treatment has been developing, to date, different group intervention programs (2).

What is the objective?

Psychoeducational groups aim to provide members with information and tools to handle difficulties. They can focus on pathologies or certain topics, such as those that concern us: relaxation techniques and / or emotional management applied to infertility and its treatments, etc.

The purpose is to provide information for the individual or couple to make decisions on the paths to choose in relation to the problem of infertility and, at the same time, to prevent future emotional disturbances (3).

Who are the psychoeducational workshops aimed at?

To everyone, as this is a first approximation to the psychosocial aspects of the topic of infertility / infertility and its treatments. The different workshops, proposed on a monthly basis, are primarily preventive in nature, therefore, they are unique sessions aimed at both the general public and patients who have already started medical treatment.

What have we done so far?

The calls for workshops have been a success. We have conducted two workshops, offering an enriching experience, in which the participants have been able to share knowledge and experiences.

What should you do if you want to sign up for the next workshop?

We don’t care if you do a treatment in our center or not. If you are interested in the topic of the free workshop of the month you just have to send an email to with your name and surnames, confirming that you come alone or accompanied. We wait for you!

Marta García Moliner. General health psychologist specialising in assisted reproduction. Consultant psychologist at FIVclínic

(1) Covington, S. N. (2006). Group approaches to infertility counseling. Infertility counseling: A comprehensive handbook for clinicians.

(2) Gutiérrez, K. (2009). Intervenció psicològica grupal en reproducció humana assistida. Guies d’avaluació, consell, suport i intervenció psicològica en Reproducció assistida, 47.

(3) Llavona, L & Mora, R (2003). Atenció psicològica a la parelles infèrtils en tractament de reproducció assistida. En Ortigosa,J.,Quiles M.J & Mendez F.J. (Coors.). Manual de psicologia de la salut amb nens, adolescents i famílies. (pàg. 287-304). Piràmide: Madrid.



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