Life habits and reproduction: how stress, diet and toxins affect fertility

The basic objective of the reproduction process is the survival of the species. This is understood from a purely conceptual point of view and from a perspective based on the laws of nature. So all animals, under suitable environmental conditions, tend to reproduce and thus achieve the goal. However, certain lifestyle habits affect reproduction. We talk about stress, food and toxins.

What factors interfere with fertility?

In human reproduction, apart from problems derived from pathologies that directly affect the achievement of pregnancy (such as endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, male factor, uterine causes, or even genetic causes), there are factors that can alter these conditions ideal and negatively affect fertility. Some of these factors are perfectly identified in our life habits.

Stress aggravates infertility

One of the most studied “environmental” factors is stress, whether it is derived from our job responsibilities or, in many cases, stress due to unmet gestational desire or even social and family pressure. High levels of stress are recognized as a cause and aggravation of sterility. There are animal studies that show that in stress situations, the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, responsible for the control of all those hormones directly involved in the reproductive cycle, is altered, therefore hindering pregnancy. Still, it is complex to know the exact physiological mechanism by which stress generates reproductive disturbances.

Diet, key to achieving pregnancy

We must also become aware of the importance of our life habits: they need to be as healthy as possible. One of the most relevant and easily controllable is food. It has been shown that overweight and obesity, in addition to other medical problems (respiratory, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension …), are directly related to a decreased chance of getting pregnant.

Following a balanced diet is not only important to achieve pregnancy, it is also one of the environmental factors with the greatest impact on the development of the embryo and fetus.

Avoid sedentary lifestyle and toxic habits

Sedentary lifestyle, as well as the consumption of alcohol, coffee and tobacco, are toxic habits that should not be part of our lifestyle. All of them negatively interfere with reproduction (also in general health) and, for this reason, the intervention of specialists such as nutritionists, endocrinologists and even psychological support is sometimes necessary to achieve and maintain this objective.

How does tobacco affect fertility?

Apart from the multiple harmful effects that tobacco has on health, smoking seriously damages female reproductive capacity. It does this by accelerating the loss of the ovarian reserve and, also, increasing the risk of abortion and ectopic pregnancy. In men, it can alter seminal parameters with a dose-dependent relationship. During pregnancy it can lead to important adverse effects such as restricted fetal growth, premature delivery or increased perinatal and infant mortality rates.

Effects of alcohol on fertility

Alcohol can have a detrimental effect on male reproductive hormones and sperm quality. In women, alcohol is harmful throughout a pregnancy due to the fetal development disorders that it can generate. In assisted reproductive techniques, there are conflicting results between women’s alcohol consumption and reproductive outcomes, but more and more studies are recommending abstaining from alcohol when performing an assisted reproductive technique.

To conclude, we must try to follow a healthy lifestyle and control all those parameters that are within our reach and that, without a doubt, will help achieve this before the desired pregnancy.

Anna Goday. Gynecologist specialized in assisted reproduction of FIVclínic.



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