How have we adapted in FIVclínic to the Covid-19 pandemic?

The entire team of professionals at FIVclínic have been working so that you can start the reproduction treatment with the peace of mind knowing that all the appropriate safety measures are being taken for both you and all professionals. That is why we have developed various protocols based on the scientific evidence available today, with the aim of continuing to offer our services with the necessary protection in times of a SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Will I be able to make face-to-face visits during the reproduction treatment?

One of the first measures to reduce the risk of contagion is to make the first visits, or subsequent visits with your reference doctor, electronically. On the other hand, once the treatment begins, the ultrasound controls will be face-to-face and appropriate protection measures must be taken. For them to be fulfilled we will need your collaboration.

What are the protective measures to avoid contagion by coronavirus?

For your part, the protection measures you should take if you have scheduled visits are as follows:

  • You have to be punctual at the arrival time.
  • You must wear gloves and a mask. If you do not have it, they will be provided upon arrival.
  • When entering you must use the hydroalcoholic hand gel.
  • The safety distance of 1.5 meters must be respected.
  • Upon arrival you will be asked a small questionnaire to find out if there has been any clinical change.
  • If during the treatment you have symptoms (fever, cough, …) you should contact us. Read this information in case of symptoms.

What can we do on our part to avoid the spread of Covid-19?

  • We have adapted the schedules and facilities to reduce the number of patients in the waiting room.
  • Specific cleaning and disinfection protocols have been created for all surfaces and spaces.
  • Before starting treatment, your nurse will call you to give you a more comprehensive questionnaire about symptoms and contacts, as well as to remind you of all the measures that must be taken in the face of face-to-face visits and to remind you of the documentation that you must carry signed.
  • Professionals will also have adequate protective equipment and we will be periodically tested for SARS-CoV-2.

Will patients undergo tests to detect the coronavirus?

There are different types of screening, some analyze the presence of antibodies against the virus and let you know your immune status in this regard (past, active or non-immune infection) and others that directly analyze the presence of the virus. Although none of them have 100% reliability, they are progressively improving. Today the PCR test is one of the most reliable. This test tells us if you are a carrier of the virus at that time (whether you have symptoms or not). That is why it is the one that we use as screening in treatments. Screening for infection is important both when starting treatment and when pregnancy is achieved.

So even if the Covid-19 is present, when can I start the breeding treatment?

Before starting reproductive treatment, your referring doctor will make a case assessment to rule out possible risk factors that contraindicate starting treatment at this time (cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney / lung / liver disease, obesity). , immunosuppression …). In these cases, it is recommended to postpone pregnancy for a few months to assess the evolution of the pandemic.

Is there a danger in getting pregnant now?

Little by little, knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 is expanding in all areas, including reproductive. Although for now the information is in favor of pregnant women not being a risk group for contagion or complications, presenting the disease during pregnancy is not desirable. For this reason it is necessary to take extreme measures of protection and isolation during the reproduction treatment.

You can see the related information in the specific blogs that we update periodically in order to offer you all the available information. Although it is true that knowledge is changing, at all times our performance is determined by the state of knowledge and treatment of COVID19.

Keep in mind that all these measures are to protect us from the virus, but the care and attention of our patients remains as close as ever. Do not hesitate to ask us for a visit to assess your case and move forward towards the same goal: at FIVclínic, fulfilling your dream is our priority.

Roser Solernou and Marina Solsona. Gynecologists specialized in IVF assisted reproduction.



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