Meditation focused on assisted reproduction (I): breathing

Relaxing is key to better manage our mood and, if you are immersed in an assisted reproduction process, this is very important, because it helps to optimally approach the treatment. Getting it, sometimes, is not easy. That is why we want to share some meditation sessions with you so that you can enjoy. We also answer the most common questions that appear while you are undergoing treatment.

Any psychological / emotional recommendation to start the new reproductive treatment?

These are some of the general recommendations that we propose to start the best possible treatment for assisted reproduction from a psychological point of view.

  • Get regular physical exercise
  • Practice some relaxation / meditation technique regularly
  • Find emotional support in your environment
  • Have a flexible attitude
  • Try living in the here and now
  • If you think you still need help, do not hesitate to ask for us, we are here to accompany you on your way
  • To conclude, we must try to follow a healthy lifestyle and control all those parameters that are within our reach and that, without a doubt, will help to achieve this before the desired pregnancy.

We share with you these breathing-centered meditation sessions:



What can I do to avoid worrying too much about my situation?

It is normal to worry about something that matters so much to us, such as this life project, but I suggest you take care instead of worrying. Later we will talk about some tips related to it.

How to promote positive thinking in relation to assisted reproduction treatments?

  • Encourage positive self-dialogue or at least “non-boycotters.” In other words, if I constantly hear myself saying that “we will not succeed because …”, change this self-message for a more positive or realistic one “perhaps this time we will succeed because I have it in my favor …”
  • Remember other crises or situations that you initially thought you would not overcome and have finally succeeded. Keep them in mind.
  • Keep your body and mind active. Take the opportunity to carry out an activity that you like daily.
  • Practice meaningful visualizations and relaxation: focus and visualize happy or encouraging memories, future projects, places that transmit calm and serenity…

What can I do now to better manage my mood?

  • Practice an activity that relaxes you, connects you with yourself: it can be yoga, meditation, painting, playing a musical instrument, cooking …
  • Try to anticipate and decide your reactions. If you have a day or a moment when you feel that you are very attached to some thought or concern, (more ruminant, emotionally more distressed attitude) you can try several things to achieve the following objective: decide how you react to this state.
  • Practice how to calm your mind. The goal of this practice will gradually lead you to react in a more adaptive way to what happens to us daily or in life. Proposals: 1) verbalize or write what is happening to us (physically, emotionally or cognitively). Once we have taken it out of ourselves we begin to do some activity that we like. 2) Mentally engage in some other task that requires all our attention and concentration. 3) Do something that makes us laugh.

How can I contact your specialized reproductive psychology service?

Whenever you need you can write to our specific email and we will help you in any way we can.

Marta Garcia. Consulting psychologist of FIVclínic.


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