Reception of oocytes
What is the reception of oocytes?
The reception of oocytes is an assisted reproduction technique that allows a woman to donate her eggs to another woman to make a pregnancy possible. In the first place, a careful study of the donor is required,and subsequently a hormonal treatment will be necessary. Once the eggs have been obtained, they are fertilised in the laboratory with the male gamete. The embryos obtained are transferred to the uterus of the recipient.
When is egg donation recommended?
- Ovarian failure (e.g. early menopause, women who have received radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment).
- Carriers of potentially transmissible genetic disorders that cannot be eliminated using other techniques.
- A history of repeated IVF cycle failures (an adverse reaction to the treatment, poor quality oocytes or embryos).
How are egg donors selected?
- The general principles applicable here are those defined by law (LTRA, in its Spanish acronym), and in the Royal Decree-Law on the quality and safety of cell and tissue donations (RDLCYT, in its Spanish acronym), and those of formality, confidentiality (donors must remain anonymous) and the need for the donation to be made free of charge.
- Any woman between the ages of 18 and 34, who is in good health and who wants to help other women, can become a donor.
- A comprehensive assessment of physical and psychological health must be carried out, the ideal donor being one who is free from genetic or hereditary disorders, or transmissible infections
- A detailed medical history both of the patient and their family. Family genetic testing will allow us to determine whether or not there are polygenic or multifactorial disorders present in the family.
- A physical and gynaecological examination.
- A transvaginal ultrasound to check that there are no abnormalities, and to carry out an antral follicle count.
- A blood test, including a serological profile
- A psychological assessment by means of a test and an interview.
- Genetic screening (link). At this point we can test for recessive disorders.
- The same law also requires the medical team to seek the greatest possible physical resemblance with the recipient of the eggs
What happens during the treatment?
The recipient of the eggs needs to undergo treatment in order to prepare the endometrium,so that it will be ready for embryo transfer. To achieve this we use a hormonal treatment, usually a transdermal one, that lasts for between 2 and 3 weeks. During this period, there will be a series of ultrasound tests to track endometrial growth.
Once the endometrium has reached the appropriate size, and the oocytes have been obtained from the donor by follicular puncture, we proceed with the embryo transfer.
What is the likelihood of achieving pregnancy?h5>
This technique results in high pregnancy rates. (link). For example, the cumulative pregnancy rate is over 80%.
What can I know about the donor?
Spanish law defines the donor of gametes as anonymous, and their donation as a voluntary one. For this reason the centre cannot reveal donor identity. However, the law does permit us to provide information on age, blood group, and physical characteristics.
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