We share our experience at the SEF Fertility Preservation Campus II

We participated in the II Fertility Preservation Congress, in Madrid, to discuss the latest developments in a ​​growing area of interest in reproduction. Cryopreservation of oocytes or ovarian cortex is central in women who must undergo medical treatments that put at risk their possibility of becoming mothers in the future.

The Fertility Preservation Campus was organized by the Fertility Preservation Interest Group of the Spanish Fertility Society, coordinated by Dr. Dolors Manau, responsible for assisted reproduction at FIVclínic. One of the main objectives of the group is the preparation of consensus documents and clinical guidelines with a multidisciplinary approach. We know that the preservation of fertility is involved in diseases of different specialties.

In which patients are fertility preservation indicated?

Although the group’s work initially focused on patients with hematological cancers and breast cancer, this time it dealt with other indications of fertility preservation. Specifically:

  • in patients with genetic diseases that cause premature ovarian rupture, for example: the premutation of the FMR1 gene, which causes disorders associated with the fragile X chromosome; or mutations in the BRCA gene, which increase the risk of breast or ovarian cancer.
  • in patients with recurrent surgeries on the ovary, as occurs in cases of endometriosis.
  • in patients with autoimmune diseases with gonadotoxic treatments (such as chemotherapy).
  • or in transgender patients, among others.

With reproduction experts from all over Spain

Reproductive medicine professionals from the Hospital Clínic, Hospital de Sant Pau and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona met there. Also, specialists from the 12 de Octubre Hospital, the San Carlos Clinical Hospital and the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid; Hospital La Fe de Valencia, IVIRMA and Hospital Ruber Internacional.



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