The latest science news about embryology, at the ASEBIR 2021 Congress

We participated in the XI ASEBIR congress, in Toledo, to present our latest research results on embryology and assisted reproduction. Our commitment to a translational research model makes us capable of transforming scientific knowledge into tangible results for the patient.

From November 17 to 19, the ASEBIR 2021 Congress focused on the results of Reproductive Biology. This biannual national event brings together the most important embryologists and researchers in our country, as well as the work of some international leaders in the sector. In this meeting, technical advances are analyzed, and we present our latest research results on embryology and assisted reproduction.

The FIVclinic studies in embryology

On this occasion, the embryologist Marta Guimerà presented the “Comparative study of embryonic kinetics in the natural cycle vs cycle with ovarian stimulation for IVF”. The study is signed together with Marta Méndez, Yolanda Cívico, Gemma Casals, Francesc Fàbregues, Dolors Manau and Salvadora Cívico, from Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.

In addition, our communication “Characterization of ovarian follicular resumption after drug-free IVA in primary ovarian insufficiency patient” was a finalist for the ASEBIR Award for the best Poster 2021. primary), signed by Marta Méndez, JM. Calafell, J. Ferreri, Salvadora Cívico, Dolors Manau and Francesc Fabregues.



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