Dolors Manau, head of FIVclínic, member of the new board of the Spanish Fertility Society

Dolors Manau, head of assisted reproduction at FIVclínic, chosen as a member of the new board of the Spanish Fertility Society, as a result of her participation in the “Una SEF para ti” candidacy. The Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) is a scientific group whose main objective is to ensure that health and patient care is… Continue reading Dolors Manau, head of FIVclínic, member of the new board of the Spanish Fertility Society

The latest developments in assisted reproduction, at the 33rd SEF’s National Congress

Part of the FIVclínic medical team participated in the 33rd edition of the Congress of the Spanish Fertility Society to share and acquire new knowledge in assisted reproduction. In addition, Dolors Manau, our head of assisted reproduction, was elected as a member of the new SEF board, as a result of her participation in the… Continue reading The latest developments in assisted reproduction, at the 33rd SEF’s National Congress

We share our experience at the SEF Fertility Preservation Campus II

We participated in the II Fertility Preservation Congress, in Madrid, to discuss the latest developments in a ​​growing area of interest in reproduction. Cryopreservation of oocytes or ovarian cortex is central in women who must undergo medical treatments that put at risk their possibility of becoming mothers in the future. The Fertility Preservation Campus was… Continue reading We share our experience at the SEF Fertility Preservation Campus II

What is low ovarian reserve and what therapeutic options do you have?

In assisted reproduction, the concept of ovarian reserve is used to assess the number of eggs a woman has left. Contrary to what happens with sperm in men, the number of oocytes we have in women is finite. Women are born with a certain number of oocytes, and as the years go by we lose.… Continue reading What is low ovarian reserve and what therapeutic options do you have?

The latest science news about embryology, at the ASEBIR 2021 Congress

We participated in the XI ASEBIR congress, in Toledo, to present our latest research results on embryology and assisted reproduction. Our commitment to a translational research model makes us capable of transforming scientific knowledge into tangible results for the patient. From November 17 to 19, the ASEBIR 2021 Congress focused on the results of Reproductive… Continue reading The latest science news about embryology, at the ASEBIR 2021 Congress

Raising awareness of Fragile X Syndrome, an objective shared with associations

The Fragile X Syndrome Association of the Community of Madrid (ASXFM) invited us to participate in an online clinical session to publicize ways to prevent this disease by identifying those women carriers who want to undergo reproductive treatments. The session was entitled “Fragile X syndrome from gynecology. Premature ovarian failure (FOP) as a key element”.… Continue reading Raising awareness of Fragile X Syndrome, an objective shared with associations

Advances and challenges of fertility preservation

Dolors Manau, responsible for assisted reproduction at FIVclínic, participates in the 1st Virtual Fertility Conference organized by the pharmaceutical company Fertypharm on September 28 and 29, 2021 to talk about the preservation of fertility, a field where much remains to be done.</ h4> In what cases are indicated to resort to fertility preservation? In what… Continue reading Advances and challenges of fertility preservation

Elective fertility preservation: is it an option for me?

Elective fertility preservation is a technique that allows us to preserve gametes (oocytes or sperm) to have the opportunity to gestate a genetically own embryo in the future. It is a safe technique that can be performed by all those women who want to postpone motherhood due to different situations in their personal lives. What… Continue reading Elective fertility preservation: is it an option for me?

Natural cycle in vitro fertilization with sperm donor: what are the advantages?

If you want to achieve a pregnancy with a sperm bank, you have several treatments at your fingertips. One of them is natural cycle IVF, an usual technique at FIVclínic, mainly in women who do not want hormonal treatment. As Aina Borràs, a reproduction specialist at FIVclínic, explains to us, natural cycle fertilization is an… Continue reading Natural cycle in vitro fertilization with sperm donor: what are the advantages?

Relaxation focused on assisted reproduction (II): visualization

The use of relaxation techniques in conjunction with conventional medical treatments is becoming more and more common. The purpose of these techniques? Help us improve our health and reduce stress and pain. Today we want you to know a little more about relaxation focused on assisted reproduction. Specifically, to the technique of visualization. What is… Continue reading Relaxation focused on assisted reproduction (II): visualization

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